Tag Archives: morning walk

Sickle moon

Saw the merest wisp of the sickle crone moon low in the sunrise-pink sky around 8 this morning – crescent so delicate it could melt away in a moment; just a glimpse of her back as she slips out the door.

The sun still had a ways to climb before breaking the horizon on this solstice weekend.

Moon and sun meeting at the darkest end of their cycles.

A perfect weekend to enjoy the gifts of the darkness – healing rest, quiet contemplation, stillness – a peacefully introspective time.

Autumn Moon

A wonderful moon! Gateway to Autumn, easing us in slowly, deliciously…

It began with the first inklings of summer’s end:
Two bright yellow jewels in the green grass – the first fallen leaves.
Six geese making their pilgrim way across dusk-darkening sky at 9pm.

It shines brightly now on comfortably cool nighttimes; darkness falling ever-earlier.

Mornings are moonless at this time: sunrise presides over crisp morning walks,
under bright clear skies trailing high clouds that capture ever-shifting colours.
Elm trees presenting a single, stark, yellow-clustered branch among the summer-green.

And it will end with the autumnal equinox, ushering out Summer.

Ahh, chokecherries



One of my very favourite prairie fruit is chokecherries! I have distinct memories from childhood of eating them straight from the tree, camping at the lake one summer. Drenched in chokecherry syrup is really the only way I get excited about pancakes. So this summer I made a point of learning to identify this ubiquitous prairie plant – and learn syrup making… mmmmmm


Leaves for IDing…

The harvest is in, and syrup made, thanks to the help of my visiting mom and sister (and another friendly neighbourhood blogger). 😀

Chokecherries on the branch

Chokecherries on the branch

Chokecherry syrup

Chokecherries in the jar!

Now off to make buttermilk pancakes! (Oh, the power of suggestion)

First Robin!

They are late this year! Finally saw one perched on a neighbour’s chimney after the big rain earlier this week. In other spring signs – rhubarb is up. And this morning my dog enjoyed her first taste of new green grass for the season. 😉

Snow falling in the lamp light

A fluffy grey blanket hangs overhead; the air fills with glittering crystals; and a deep soft carpet sparkles below. The snow swirling around the park lampposts in the dim early morning light conjure childhood tales of Narnia adventure, or cozy Christmas movies.

“And then she saw that there was a light ahead of her; not a few inches away where the back of the wardrobe ought to have been, but a long way off. Something cold and soft was falling on her. A moment later she found that she was standing in the middle of a wood at night-time with snow under her feet and snowflakes falling through the air….

She began to walk forward, crunch-crunch, over the snow and through the wood towards the light.

In about ten minutes she reached it and found that it was a lamp-post. As she stood looking at it, wondering why there was a lamp-post in the middle of a wood and wondering what to do next, she heard a pitter patter of feet coming toward her.”

~C. S. Lewis

Autumn Long Grass

Late Autumn Grass

Late Autumn Grass

This season I’ve been noticing the beauty of the long grasses where they have found a home to grow in the city – the edges of gardens, yards, fencelines, along parks and ditches. Banks of tawny brown, punctuated by flame-licks of bright yellow; tufts of orange and red – jewels of the natural world. Once you start noticing them, these gems are everywhere! A little taste of the countryside, here in the usual paths of urban life.

Seed Pods

Seed Pods

It is our quiet time
We do not speak, because the voices are within us.
It is our quiet time
We do not walk, because the earth is all within us.
It is our quiet time
We do not dance, because the music has lifted us to a place where the spirit is.
It is our quiet time. We rest with all of nature. We wake when the seven sisters wake.
We greet them in the sky over the opening of the kiva.

~Nancy Wood
Earth Prayers From Around the World
Edited by Roberts & Amidon

Fall Fruit

Apples against fence

Prairie Classic!

Berries against fence

silver and red

Grapes and fall leaves

Sturdy Northern Grapes

Crabapples in a lane

Autumn Lane

The morns are meeker than they were,
The nuts are getting brown;
The berry’s cheek is plumper,
The rose is out of town.

The maple wears a gayer scarf,
The field a scarlet gown.
Lest I should be old-fashioned,
I’ll put a trinket on.

~Autumn, Emily Dickinson

Fall Floral

White flowers with autumn leaves

Ladybug’s Friend

September Lavender

September Lavender

Sweet Pea Blossom and Pod

Sweet Pea Blossom and Pod

September sunflower

September sunflower

Collected from this morning’s walk.

Lovely to see lingering blossoms!